Who am I ?

Evelyn Figueroa – Born and raised in Puerto Rico, my memories are linked to light, bright colors and warm atmospheres. Recently I had the memory of watching a sunrise on a beach in Puerto Rico at the age of 21, before leaving for France. It was so spectacular!! At that time I felt that I wanted to be a painter to show the colors and especially to reproduce the atmosphere felt.
After studying in France and settling in Paris, I started, from the 80s, to take courses and participate in workshops to learn to draw and paint (still lifes and landscapes), focusing on the human figure from 2010. My interest has evolved and currently I paint mostly abstracts and the human figure.
For me the practice of painting is a means of self-discovery and an exploration of the creative energy that manifests itself in different visual or other forms depending on who you are and on the moment.
In the 80s and 90s: Weekly drawing and pastel lessons with the designer and painter Michel Lacoste in Barbizon, then in Paris
In the 2000s: Workshops in André Martin’s studio in Sablet in the Vaucluse: one dedicated to watercolor, one on acrylic painting and texture and another on the abstract painter Zao Wou Ki.
From 2010: Continuation of the training for 4 years in a weekly workshop held by Antonina Alupi followed by painting workshops of the Beaux-Arts of the city of Paris (Paris-Montparnasse and Paris-Sevigné) for 8 years.
Drawing practice at the Grande Chaumière once a week for 5 years.
From 2020: Participation in online abstract painting workshops by American painters Pamela Caughey, Melinda Cootsona and by British painter and printmaker Sally Hirst. Online private class – with Michèle Lepeer – Vinsobres, Drôme
Fairs – Exhibitions
Association Culturelle Mouchotte – Collective Exhibition “Mouchotte demain” – 6 – 8 October 2023.
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